Fiquei longa dada sem postar e como principal fator para esta ausência, esta o meu curso de inglês, o qual tenho me dedicado bastante, e por isso, tomei a liberdade de criar um post em inglês, para praticar um pouco a nova língua e aprender e refletir com a troca de conhecimento, como sempre.
Me desculpem antecipadamente pelos erros que venha a cometer relacionado ao Inglês e aqueles que tiverem alguma correção a fazer, fiquem à vontade.
This is a hard subject because linger identify when she change up or down and when we identify, we are totally dominated by feelings caused by the change.
I think that the low self-esteem is more dangerous, because may cause depression, which is dangerous disease, when the people go to the extreme of committing suicide. Of course that just in cases very serious, without medical advice and family help.
I believe that self-esteen change according the result of our choices, because we are happy when the results are according with our plans and sad with the inverse.
OK, but how define Self-Esteem ?
Well, in my opinion self-esteem is our feeling about our image, what we believe are and use as the basis for our choice, what is the main problem, because we can making the wrong decision and so my advice is simple:
– You shouldn´t basis your decision just your self-esteem !
Yes, is very difficult, I do, but I feel that is the better way to reduce the error probability, balance feeling and reason, because so we eliminated the extreme error of believe be better than we are or inverse.
I hope that all have the great reflection !!!
Thanks and take care…